Irrepressible Thoughts of Death Barbie

Barbie, Stop Listening to the Narrator

I’ve worked hard over the past month on some spectacularly human problems. The tendency to have an existential crisis every 1-2 years. The surprising way that my moods cycle in exactly the same way every month and every year and yet still manage to stab me from behind when I’m not paying attention. How to …

how to make friends as an adult ladies having fun

No More Loneliness: How to Make Friends as an Adult

Adulthood can be lonely! With busy schedules, new opportunities and life moments, housework, and simply trying to catch a breath, it can be difficult to make and maintain friends. As kids, teenagers, and even young adults, we were often surrounded by people the same age in school, college, and extracurriculars. By proximity and familiarity, we …

self-sabotage woman

Getting in Your Own Way: Fighting Self-Sabotage

Have you ever felt that sinking feeling that you might be getting in your own way? Perhaps you have certain habits that stop you from achieving your goals. Maybe you seem to always have excuses (or blame others) for why you haven’t accomplished something but know deep inside that you are the one to blame. …

examples of boundaries overwhelmed skeleton

Examples Of Boundaries: How To Set Them Guilt-Free

It’s important to establish personal boundaries in our work and personal relationships. Boundaries give us autonomy over our body, space, feelings, and schedule. But it’s not always easy to know how to set those boundaries – what should we say? In this post I’ll give you examples of boundaries and scripts to use when setting …

woman making decision fatigue

Automate Your Life and Reduce Decision Fatigue 😩

Making decisions can be challenging on a good day. We make an average of 35,000 conscious decisions EVERY SINGLE DAY! Weighing up pros and cons, assessing the potential consequences of our decisions, whether good or bad, can be tough to navigate. Some decisions are, of course, easier than others. We choose what to wear in …

Ditch fast fashion and find great consignment clothes online

How To Ditch Fast Fashion And Still Look Fly

Are you tired of feeling guilty every time you buy a new piece of clothing? Do you want to make a difference in the world, but don’t know where to start? Look no further! In this post, we’ll explore the world of ethical shopping and show you how to shop guilt-free hot finds while ditching …

Anxious Woman with Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome: How to How to Beat it and Shine

Have you ever feared you might be exposed as a fraud at work or amongst friends? You would be surprised how many women deal with this nagging feeling of self-doubt and inadequacy in their lives. It’s this anxiety that someone is going to find out we are not good enough or qualified enough at what …

be a good friend and develop friendships

How to Be a Good Friend

It may feel at times that other people have this friend thing all figured out. You’ll see on social media that people are taking beach trips with their gal pals, or wearing matching t-shirts for nights out, and it feels like you are missing out on all the fun. This is most likely an example …