Showing 36 Result(s)
Irrepressible Thoughts of Death Barbie

Barbie, Stop Listening to the Narrator

I’ve worked hard over the past month on some spectacularly human problems. The tendency to have an existential crisis every 1-2 years. The surprising way that my moods cycle in exactly the same way every month and every year and yet still manage to stab me from behind when I’m not paying attention. How to …

how to make friends as an adult ladies having fun

No More Loneliness: How to Make Friends as an Adult

Adulthood can be lonely! With busy schedules, new opportunities and life moments, housework, and simply trying to catch a breath, it can be difficult to make and maintain friends. As kids, teenagers, and even young adults, we were often surrounded by people the same age in school, college, and extracurriculars. By proximity and familiarity, we …

self-sabotage woman

Getting in Your Own Way: Fighting Self-Sabotage

Have you ever felt that sinking feeling that you might be getting in your own way? Perhaps you have certain habits that stop you from achieving your goals. Maybe you seem to always have excuses (or blame others) for why you haven’t accomplished something but know deep inside that you are the one to blame. …

be a good friend and develop friendships

How to Be a Good Friend

It may feel at times that other people have this friend thing all figured out. You’ll see on social media that people are taking beach trips with their gal pals, or wearing matching t-shirts for nights out, and it feels like you are missing out on all the fun. This is most likely an example …

woman learning how to say no

Learn How to Actually Say No and Mean It

Do you have a problem saying no to people? Feel like you end up giving too much and then feeling resentful with family or co-workers? Social situations can be stressful, which can make it even harder to say no. Saying “yes” is easier at first but will end up stressing you out and disappointing people in …

woman listening to free guided meditation

Best Free Guided Meditations For Peace And Calm

In this hectic world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Luckily, meditation can help to calm your mind and center your thoughts. If you’re new to meditation, it can be challenging to know where to start. Guided meditations are an excellent option for those who are just starting out, as they provide a step-by-step approach to …

worm moon in march 2023

Worm Moon: The Beautiful Full Moon of March 7, 2023

The full moon has always had great significance for our human civilization. If you take a look at history, you will realize that almost all ancient cultures considered the full moon sacred. To them, it was a symbol of divinity, fertility, and abundance. The ancients were also aware of the fact that the energies on …