Showing 16 Result(s)
queen of sheba mural

Queen of Sheba, Seeker of Knowledge

The Queen of Sheba has been mentioned in many accounts as a wise woman, including the Bible and the Quran. According to both an ancient Abyssinian account of the Ethiopian royal lineage and the Bible, Queen Makeda of Sheba (Ethiopia) went to visit King Solomon, although different accounts give different reasons for her visit. Legend …

Release your anger in the kitchen

I like to gaze blankly out the kitchen window at the yard as I prepare meals.  Today’s prep involved vigorously massaging my kale. Massage is a not really the right word so much as scrunched, smashed and death-gripped. Thank you kale, for your hideous yet nutritious contribution to tonight’s meal (kale salad soooo spicy with …

self care, pt. 1

Self care prescription: solitude and company in solitude It’s time for a serious chat – beyond well-intentioned resolutions to a topic many of us have neglected for far too long. Self-care. There are many symptoms that present to indicate we have been guilty of self-neglect. Nagging loneliness, confusion, depression, listlessness, lack of purpose. Bitterness, envy, …